Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Yet Another Whale Post

Yes, apologies for another whale post, but today I witnessed something very cool (from my desk as I was working) - an adult and baby humpback pair, both breaching!!

A first for me, and they kept doing it long enough that I thought I stood a chance of going and getting the big camera and trying to get a shot. Sure enough, I got the camera, big lens etc. and managed to catch the final couple of breaches before they went out of view from the lounge.

Apologies for the poor image quality - the whale is probably at least a mile away and there was a tonne of heat haze coming off the roofs in between my house and the ocean.

My big camera shoots five frames per second when it goes wild, so below is about 1.2 seconds of breach!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

After the first couple of days of the Memorial Day weekend turned out to be cool and cloudy, Monday dawned sunny and warm with great visibility across the bay.

I decided to go for a bike ride to make the most of the weather so rode along the coast to Pebble Beach - here's a shot of the Lone Cypress on 17 mile drive with the beginnings of Big Sur in the background.

I saw whales during the ride (just north of where the photo was taken from) but they were a long way out.

However, at time of writing this, there are more in the bay again visible from the house - a nice way to finish the weekend, especially given that I know the next week or so at work is going to be very busy.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

After a gap, it's whale tastic

Yes, it's been well over a month since I last posted (though I hope to go in and backfill some posts when I get a chance, so it might not look like that in the future - just to keep the record straight - "A Couple of Firsts" was my most recent post at time of writing).

It's been a busy few weeks, what with Superbikes at Fontana (cool), Mum's visit for a couple of weeks (very cool) and Sears Superbikes (once again, cool) and this weekend is the first weekend in at least the last five weeks where I have nothing planned.

Having said that, I've been cleaning, tidying, catching up on the DVR, backing photos up to DVD, installing smoke alarms, doing laundry, learning the ins and outs of dry wall anchors and whale watching from the comfort of the couch once again. For whatever reason, this afternoon the bay was awash with whales - the whale watching boats didn't have far to go at all - I saw at least 3 (more likely 4) pods of humpbacks from the couch - which when you think about it is still awesome after all these times that it has occurred.

It's a three day weekend - one more day of lack of work to go - wohooo!