Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another Pleasant Coastal Saturday II

My browser let me know I used this headline before, so I took the easy route and added the sequel tag (ie II).

Since I got my GoPro video camera, I've had this notion that it might, just might work for wildlife if that wildlife was big and close - the GoPro is wide angle, even my ugly mug fits in the frame when I'm only about a foot or so from the lens.

Today, the condors understood my plight and came in super close - providing me with some good video footage (not sure how they knew I had the GoPro with me today, but I'm not complaining) - you can see it here, though I highly recommend the HD video, even if it takes a while to load - the birds are small and the HD helps!

As for the regular camera (with the big zoom lens), photos are here.


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