Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Had my Doctor visit today - excellent news. The wrist is looking good in terms of flexibility, pain (or lack thereof) and structure in the x-ray (the lunate is looking good). My grip is still weak (50% of the strength of my left wrist, but I am left handed).

The best bit is this - I'm allowed to ride again. In fact, I'm allowed to do everything again, apart from push ups. So I can do grip strength exercises, do weights (to restore my stringy right arm into some form of shape) etc.

I have another check up in 4 month's time, though I need to make sure that if I get recurring pain or numbness (like I had the other day after my first, pre Doctor approval bike ride) that I go back to the Doctor as it might be nerve damage or the plate interfering with the tendons in my wrist.

After the Doc visit, I managed to get home before it went dark, so I hopped on the bike and went for another ride. One hour later, no numbness - wohooo!!

Oh, and finally - the wrist stands a chance of getting better still for the next six months - wohooo II !!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Uh-oh - Naughty Naughty

Well, I'm not due to see the Doc until Wednesday, but my wrist has been feeling more and more like it can cope with cycling.

Finally, I caved into temptation and went for a 12 mile low impact ride along bike paths and bike lanes through Monterey and Pacific Grove out to the start of 17 Mile Drive and back.

No pain, but plenty of discomfort (which I expected) and my little finger is now numb (though the feeling is starting to come back - 1 hour after the ride). The wrist feels OK - hopefully it still will in the morning!

Had to take a photo of myself - first bike ride since last July or so. I definitely couldn't remember how to use the bike computer - but the old phrase about it's just like riding a bike proved to be true - I felt totally at home a mile into the ride.

Next will be the Doc appointment on Wednesday - hopefully he won't tell me off for today!

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Well, I got re-referred.

I met with my new Doctor and her nurse/assistant. The referral portion of it all was super easy, but they also had to do the blood pressure and weight stuff - which is always a nice quick check to make sure I'm not about to keel over (I wasn't!).

End of March, I'll be going back to see the surgeon and see how my wrist is doing, but today I was naughty and sat on my stationary bike and let my wrists take the weight - everything seemed to work OK, so hopefully in a month's time, I'll be back riding!!