The day started sunny and cold. Given the rain we had on Friday, going for a ride in the mountains was always going to be too muddy - and just to be clear, I don't mind riding in muddy conditions, but the mud around here is extremely sticky and just accumulates on the wheels to the extent that they won't turn any more - it's not fun.
So, I decided to take advantage of the sunshine and blue skies and cycle to Pebble Beach along the coast. It was chilly, but I was well wrapped up with leggings, thick cycling gloves and lots of layers.
Once I got to Pebble Beach I sat on the sea wall behind the 18th green, where the photo below was taken.

I was enjoying the warm sun (there was no cold breeze) so I was trying to think of excuses to veg for a while - I updated my Facebook status, uploaded some photos from the phone and then decided to call Mum.
Unfortunately, Mum had sad news - Nanna passed away in the night. Not unexpected, and a relief given her recent quality of life, but still sad news.
On the ride back, I decided to try and take a photo that Nanna would have liked - a sort of little tribute given that there's not much I can do to help being 5000 miles away. I was keeping an eye on the ocean looking for a suitable location on the ride back, but still managed to notice a rather mangy coyote on the cart path of one of the golf courses. The coyote moved in a healthy way, but its fur and its tail were really mangy - I kept my distance just in case it was ill, but still managed to get the shot below.

Soon after the coyote, I came across a piece of ocean where the waves were crashing off the rocks - that seemed like a suitable shot for Nanna, so I got ready and got a few shots of the waves crashing off the rocks - the one below being the best.

Besides the mangy coyote, I also saw a whale, a sea otter, various deer and lots of tourists - so a bit of a wildlife extravaganza.
This evening, I noticed that the clouds were looking good for a potential cool sunset, so I decided to head back out to the ocean and see if I could get a cool sunset shot. This time, the clouds and the sun cooperated and I managed the shot below, which in my mind at least is a fitting end to the day that Nanna passed.