2009, Day One
Jan first, 2009 - what to do? - what resolutions to enact? (and probably fail to keep for long) - I'm lying in bed mulling the options.
Then it dawned on me it's Thursday, a day I should be exercising - so that's what I did.
December (and to be honest, the end of November) saw my typical end of year slide into eating lots of junk food etc., and the results are all too evident. So, as close as I get to a resolution, I'm going to cut out the junk in January and hope to get back to where I was before the junk food binge took off.
Back to what I did - I ran my normal 10k route, mainly in the fog, but it was burning off later in the run. The fishmongers on the municipal wharf were closed today (it is a holiday). When I was running on the wharf I noticed an offloading net that I never noticed before (but given my awareness, could have been there for years) - so I took the photo below.
By lunchtime, the fog had burned off and the sky was blue (even if it was still chilly). My normal run protocol is to go for a walk later in the day to stop my legs seizing up - and as I was walking down the hill today, I noticed one of the whale watching boats in close to shore.
Soon after, I noticed a pod of dolphins near the boat too. I carried on down on to the Monterey Plaza's deck - which was full of folks looking at the dolphins, so using my mad local knowledge skillz, I headed down the coastal access route to the lower deck that most folks don't realize exists.
Here I was hanging out with hotel employees who all wanted to see the pod too (it's rare to get that many that close in). There were hundreds of dolphins, now making their way back out towards the ocean, very cool.
Then it dawned on me it's Thursday, a day I should be exercising - so that's what I did.
December (and to be honest, the end of November) saw my typical end of year slide into eating lots of junk food etc., and the results are all too evident. So, as close as I get to a resolution, I'm going to cut out the junk in January and hope to get back to where I was before the junk food binge took off.
Back to what I did - I ran my normal 10k route, mainly in the fog, but it was burning off later in the run. The fishmongers on the municipal wharf were closed today (it is a holiday). When I was running on the wharf I noticed an offloading net that I never noticed before (but given my awareness, could have been there for years) - so I took the photo below.

Soon after, I noticed a pod of dolphins near the boat too. I carried on down on to the Monterey Plaza's deck - which was full of folks looking at the dolphins, so using my mad local knowledge skillz, I headed down the coastal access route to the lower deck that most folks don't realize exists.
Here I was hanging out with hotel employees who all wanted to see the pod too (it's rare to get that many that close in). There were hundreds of dolphins, now making their way back out towards the ocean, very cool.
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