Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day, Tim Style

Yes, not one for your traditional fare, I did however cook a Christmas dinner - minced beef marinated is Sukiyaki sauce, with cabbage and fried tofu over rice.

Amazingly enough, it was very tasty, and even more amazingly enough, I didn't make myself ill! Doesn't it just look super tasty?

The day was cold and wet for the most part (we even had some brief hail in the morning), but in the afternoon, the gaps between the blustery showers lengthened, and after a quick look at the radar images on the web, I went for a wander.

The coffee shop at the bottom of the hill was open, so I had a small decaf mocha to keep me going and then wandered around to see what was going on. Cannery Row was actually fairly busy and a few restaurants and shops were open.

I was wandering around the back of (the closed) Bubba Gumps and noticed that there was a cool reflection in the window, so took a self portrait. You can see the stacked chairs from their deck on the far side of the restaurant in the back ground.


Blogger Unknown said...

That did look pretty tasty especially since there was no fake crab in it. I bet it took a lot of resolve to leave it out! Hope this means you will cook more this year...

3:56 PM  

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