Wildlife Update - It's the Monarchs' Turn
Yes, it's the Monarchs' turn, mainly due to the local Pacific Grove freebie newspaper reporting that Monarchs are twice as common as last year (which, truth be told, isn't that many still).
My Thursday bike ride takes me fairly near the sanctuary, so a quick diversion was on the cards.
When I got there, I couldn't spot any butterflies, but after a couple of minutes I spotted a few clusters.
In the photo below, you see one of the clusters circled in red. I was there early in the morning, so it was too cold for them to be flying, so they're all bunched up looking like dead leaves.
I saw about 5 clusters similar in size to the one in the photo - and the local PG paper is claiming 18,000 Monarchs, but it does all seem rather quiet.
My Thursday bike ride takes me fairly near the sanctuary, so a quick diversion was on the cards.
When I got there, I couldn't spot any butterflies, but after a couple of minutes I spotted a few clusters.
In the photo below, you see one of the clusters circled in red. I was there early in the morning, so it was too cold for them to be flying, so they're all bunched up looking like dead leaves.

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