Well, it's been a week since the surgery and here's the current state of play. I'm getting the wound wet when showering and per the doc's advice, doing some exercises with the warm water hitting my wrist - it actually feels really nice, and the wrist is freeing up (this is being typed with 1.5 hands!)
Still wearing the brace at all times outside of showering.
Oh, and as I didn't explicitly state it, no oral pain medication since last Sunday lunchtime and no medication at all since the pain buster was removed Monday afternoon.
I've had a couple of fellow KD sufferers suggest I stick some of my KD history in here too, so here goes.
Back in April, I noticed that my wrist would ache a little. At first I thought I'd just sprained it or something (I did mountain bike three times a week), but it got progressively worse over the course of the next few months, so that by the time July came around, I felt the need to get it checked out.
I have HMO medical, so went to see my Primary Care Physician (PCP). She checked it out and guessed it was tendonitis and gave me a lightweight (comapred to the current one!) wrist brace. but took an x-ray just in case as my pain wasn't classic tendonitis.
She called me a couple of days later to say the x-ray showed a fracture, and she was going to refer me to a wrist specialist. I go see the wrist specialist a week or two later, and see the doc's assistant, who does range of motion and grip tests etc., and does a bunch more x-rays. She immediately says I should get an MRI.
Once the insurance agrees on the MRI, I go get that and then a couple of weeks later again, I go back to the assistant who tells me I have KD (on the MRI, the lunate was black), stage 2.
She explains all the possibilities and consults with the doc and I'm a prime candidate for RS.
I go away to think about it,
read up about it, find the
KD group on the Internet etc. One of my wife's friends knows someone who has KD and had RS, so he calls me too and explains what he went through. After all these different avenues, it looks like RS is the best way for me to go, so I meet with the doc a couple more times, get it scheduled and approved by the insurance etc., which led me to 10/13.