Doctor Visit - Complete With Scar Photo!!
Yes, you have been warned - scar photo ahead.
I went to see the doc yesterday so he could check out the surgery 3 days after it was done.
First thing that happend was he took the dressing off and removed the pain buster catheter - which was about 4 inches inside my arm, but didn't hurt at all as it was removed. You can vaguely see the hole it left in the scar photo below.
Then the ends of the stitching were snipped off and I was told that the rest will disolve (yipee, second time I'vd had stitches, second time they will disolve away and not have to be removed).
Next was the x-ray machine and my chance to snap a scar photo. Some people are iffy about seeing scar photos, others (particularly Amy!) were very keen on it, so here it is!

In the motorcycle world, it is often quoted that "Chicks dig scars" - not sure if it's a true axiom or just some macho silver lining type thing - so do chicks dig scars?
Anyway, on to the x-rays. The doc took a few and let me have copies of a couple of them, presented below. He took 4.2 mm out of my radius bone (yes, they can be that accurate!), and you can only just see where the cut is (I highlighted it with arrows - it's on a diagonal).

I have a plate and seven screws holding the bone together while it heals - barring some disaster, they'll remain in there for ever - and should not set off airport metal detectors (the wand might be a different story!)

He checked everything and it's all looking good. I'm now in a heavy duty wrist brace and will be for the next few weeks - though in a couple of days I'll be able to remove it to shower and get the wound wet.
I have exercises to do to regain mobility and I'm back at the doc's in a week's time.
I went to see the doc yesterday so he could check out the surgery 3 days after it was done.
First thing that happend was he took the dressing off and removed the pain buster catheter - which was about 4 inches inside my arm, but didn't hurt at all as it was removed. You can vaguely see the hole it left in the scar photo below.
Then the ends of the stitching were snipped off and I was told that the rest will disolve (yipee, second time I'vd had stitches, second time they will disolve away and not have to be removed).
Next was the x-ray machine and my chance to snap a scar photo. Some people are iffy about seeing scar photos, others (particularly Amy!) were very keen on it, so here it is!

In the motorcycle world, it is often quoted that "Chicks dig scars" - not sure if it's a true axiom or just some macho silver lining type thing - so do chicks dig scars?
Anyway, on to the x-rays. The doc took a few and let me have copies of a couple of them, presented below. He took 4.2 mm out of my radius bone (yes, they can be that accurate!), and you can only just see where the cut is (I highlighted it with arrows - it's on a diagonal).

I have a plate and seven screws holding the bone together while it heals - barring some disaster, they'll remain in there for ever - and should not set off airport metal detectors (the wand might be a different story!)

He checked everything and it's all looking good. I'm now in a heavy duty wrist brace and will be for the next few weeks - though in a couple of days I'll be able to remove it to shower and get the wound wet.
I have exercises to do to regain mobility and I'm back at the doc's in a week's time.
Timmy...WE FOUND YOU! You're in trouble now....
Rose, my scaphoid is fine - I have a condition where blood supply is lost to the lunate bone in the wrist and various bad things happen as a consequence.
The surgery should stop me having pain in the wrist - there's a tiny chance it might reverse the condition, but future pain management is the main thing.
One handed typing is slow!
As opposed to the bald head and spare tire that has worked for Archie!!
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