Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Monterey's Fishing Industry

This morning, whilst out running, I got to witness Monterey's fishing industry. I run up and down the municipal wharf as part of my regular route, and at the end of that wharf are the local fish wholesalers and the Abalone farm. I've seen fish in these stores before, but I've never seen them being unloaded before.

In the image below, emerging out of the morning mist and drizzle, you can see the Trionfo docked against the wharf unloading its catch.

The fish were being sucked out of the hold and on to a conveyor (see below) where the fish ended up in big plastic containers. There was a guy throwing lots of ice in with the fish and as soon as each container was full, a fork lift came in and loaded that container into the trailer of a waiting semi while the fish were now being deposited into the next container.

There was a large row of containers waiting to be filled and as I watched, the first semi was filled with containers and left the wharf. There were two semis waiting to take its place.

It was cool to see what's left of Monterey's fishing industry in full flow.


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