Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Tuesday Night Photos

Well, let's start with the weather - it was fantastic today. After a few weeks of lots of fog, today (and yesterday apparently, but I was in San Jose, so didn't notice) was great. The fog burnt off while I was out running this morning (ie, around 8:30am) and it was sunny and warm the rest of the day.

The official Monterey high temp of the day was 69 degrees (F) - apparently Monterey hasn't officially hit 70 since mid June - but I could live with today's temps every day for sure.

When I was out on my run I noticed that the harbor had hundreds of jellyfish in it.

So, this evening, the weather was gorgeous, the harbor was full of jellyfish and it's one day before a full moon - time for a wander with the point and shoot (P&S) camera .

First, time to take some photos of the jellyfish - some of the bigger ones were about 2 feet in diameter, and I saw one (didn't manage to get the camera out in time) that was 3 feet in diameter - looked to be a different species.

In the photo below, we have a small (normal) one with one of the bigger ones swimming below.

After that, it was "hey, what time's the moon rising". A quick surf on the iPhone later and apparently, the moon was due to rise just after 7:30pm. As it was around 7pm at the time, I had time to go grab some spring rolls from the Farmer's Market downtown - three chicken and crab (and I had no allergic reaction to the crab - maybe the chicken to crab ratio is so high that I'm impervious) spring rolls later and I'm on Fisherman's Wharf just after 7:30pm

A few minutes later and the moon is rising above the hills and directly above the old Del Monte hotel - time to snap away (that's the municipal wharf in the foreground).

After that happened, I started making my way home, looking for more photo opportunities, next I managed to get low enough to the water to get the moon close to the roofs of the restaurants on Fisherman's Wharf.

A few hundred yards further on and I get a nice view of the boats in the harbor and a different view of the municipal wharf with the moon in it (the moon was still rising - I couldn't stop it!)

Finally, I made it home and noticed on the way up the steps to the front door that there was a nice clean raccoon print in the dirt/mold/moss growing on the front steps - no idea when it was made (though it must be recent).

T'was a fun evening - and the forecast is that the weather stays that way for a few days now (apart from Thurdsday, when apparently the fog will be back in full force).


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