Saturday, January 01, 2011

Sea Life

Saw a couple of pieces of interesting sea life recently. Firstly, during my morning run the other day, I got to see my first ever Mola mola outside of the aquarium.

There was a young 'un in the harbor - up at the surface, sunning itself (the other name for Mola mola is Pacific sunfish) - it was only about 2 feet in length.

I always take my point and shoot camera with me when I go running, so I was able to snap the photo below.

Then, on New Year's Eve, I was heading down the coast on the motorcycle and noticed something in the ocean, so I pulled over to check it out - it was a grey whale (or maybe two whales, hard to tell) and a pod of dolphins.

Photo taken from the shore is below - not quite sure what was going on, but it was interesting to see.


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