An Easter Miracle - Well, Maybe Not...
Easter is all about celebrating Christ rising from the dead (I think - it's something like that, I'm pretty sure). Well, this weekend I had something in the house rise from the dead, but I don't really think it was an Easter miracle.
After I accidentally knocked it the other evening when getting something out of the freezer, the dead as a dodo ice maker in my freezer (it's never worked as long as I've had this house) came back to life and started spewing ice into the rest of the freezer on a regular, though thankfully not too frequent basis.
I personally think of it as a zombie ice make - it just will not die - though having jiggled it this way and that over the last couple of days, it seems to have stopped again - all without me having to resort to stabbing it with a wooden stake.

Thanks to us having a religious CEO at work, we got a three day weekend (we had Friday off!), so I went down the coast two times instead of my normal one. Well, once was an excuse to go ride the Ducati again (it's still so much fun) and the other was an excuse to go down to Jade Cove again and go rummaging around for bits of jade (of which I found three or four small pieces - but the fun really is rummaging around in the pebbles trying to not get soaked by the incoming waves).
I manged to see condors both days, but today's (Sunday's) photos are the better of the bunch. I didn't see any on the way down (despite grabbing a sandwich from a deli and eating it at the condor spot on the way down), but on the way up, at the 7 pines about 2 turns before the normal condor spot, I spotted a big lump in the top of a tree.
I turned around at the condor spot and drove back down to the 7 pines spot and sure enough the big lump was a condor. I got the camera out and started snapping away, though branches of the pine somewhat obscured the view, as can be seen below.

I was determined to wait it out and see it fly, and eventually (probably 20-30 mins later), it took off, but of course it flew away from me, so I had the tree in the way to start with. Once it had cleared the tree, it was too far away for a really decent shot, but it descended towards the sea lion colony and spent some time circling over the colony, presumably looking for dinner.
After I accidentally knocked it the other evening when getting something out of the freezer, the dead as a dodo ice maker in my freezer (it's never worked as long as I've had this house) came back to life and started spewing ice into the rest of the freezer on a regular, though thankfully not too frequent basis.
I personally think of it as a zombie ice make - it just will not die - though having jiggled it this way and that over the last couple of days, it seems to have stopped again - all without me having to resort to stabbing it with a wooden stake.

Thanks to us having a religious CEO at work, we got a three day weekend (we had Friday off!), so I went down the coast two times instead of my normal one. Well, once was an excuse to go ride the Ducati again (it's still so much fun) and the other was an excuse to go down to Jade Cove again and go rummaging around for bits of jade (of which I found three or four small pieces - but the fun really is rummaging around in the pebbles trying to not get soaked by the incoming waves).
I manged to see condors both days, but today's (Sunday's) photos are the better of the bunch. I didn't see any on the way down (despite grabbing a sandwich from a deli and eating it at the condor spot on the way down), but on the way up, at the 7 pines about 2 turns before the normal condor spot, I spotted a big lump in the top of a tree.
I turned around at the condor spot and drove back down to the 7 pines spot and sure enough the big lump was a condor. I got the camera out and started snapping away, though branches of the pine somewhat obscured the view, as can be seen below.

I was determined to wait it out and see it fly, and eventually (probably 20-30 mins later), it took off, but of course it flew away from me, so I had the tree in the way to start with. Once it had cleared the tree, it was too far away for a really decent shot, but it descended towards the sea lion colony and spent some time circling over the colony, presumably looking for dinner.

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